    Understanding the Difference Between Taker Orders and Maker Orders
    bybit2024-10-09 21:19:44

    In the realm of trading, the concepts of maker orders and taker orders play crucial roles, shaping how participants engage with the market. These two terms capture distinct approaches to trading execution and carry implications for transaction fees and market dynamics.



    Taker Orders: Prioritizing Immediacy

    Taker orders reflect a sense of urgency and immediacy. A taker order is placed by a trader who seeks to execute their order immediately at the current market price. These orders match with existing orders on the order book, thereby "taking" liquidity from the market. Taker orders facilitate swift entry or exit from positions, making them attractive for those who prioritize speed.

    Given the immediacy of execution, taker orders may incur slightly higher trading fees (Taker Fee) compared to maker orders to acknowledge the convenience of immediate execution.


    Maker Orders: Nurturing Liquidity

    Maker orders, often associated with market makers, contribute to the liquidity and stability of the market. When a trader places a maker order, they provide liquidity by adding their order to the order book, which remains unmatched until another trader's taker order matches with it. These orders have the potential to influence bid-ask spreads, narrowing the price difference between buy and sell orders.

    As a reward for fostering liquidity, traders who place maker orders typically enjoy reduced trading fees (Maker Fee). Maker orders underscore a patient approach to trading, with participants willing to wait for their order to be matched by a taker.



    The following table outlines the differences between the two (2) types of orders:



    Maker Orders

    Taker Orders


    Orders that enter the order book, contributing to the liquidity before execution.

    Orders that are executed immediately by taking liquidity out from the order book.    

    *Trading Fee 



    Order Placement Types

    Limit Orders only 

    Can be either Market or Limit Orders


    *The provided trading fee information pertains to the non-VIP users on Spot Trading. For a comprehensive overview of the fee structure applicable to all trading products and VIP levels on Bybit, kindly refer to here.

    Implications for Trading

    Let's examine the example provided below, using a BTC/USDT Spot Order as an example:


    Trading Pair


    Order Quantity

    2 BTC


    Buy Order

    Order Price

    60,000 USDT

    Trader A and Trader B are both VIP 1 users with the following rates applied to their accounts:


    VIP Level

    Taker Fee Rate

    Maker Fee Rate

    VIP 1




    Trader A (VIP 1) : Placed a maker order.


    Trading Fee

    2 × 0.0675% = 0.00135 BTC

    BTC Received

    2 - 0.00135  = 1.99865 BTC


    Trader B (VIP 1) : Placed a taker order.


    Trading Fee

    2 × 0.0800% = 0.0016 BTC

    BTC Received

    2 - 0.0016 = 1.9984 BTC




    Based on the example above, we can see that Trader A incurs a lower trading fee than Trader B, leading to a more favorable net closed Profit and Loss (P&L).

    This highlights the significance of comprehending trading fees before engaging in trades. Understanding fees ensures that traders can optimize their trading strategies and outcomes by making informed decisions that consider these costs.


    To execute a maker order, traders should follow these steps:

    • Utilize a Limit Order within the order placement zone.
    • Select Post-Only
    • Set your Limit Order price strategically, aiming for a more advantageous price compared to the present best available price.

    For Buy Orders: Opt for a price lower than the best ask prices.

    For Sell Orders: Choose a price higher than the best bid prices.


    It's important to note that if your Limit Orders are executed immediately, they will be categorized as taker orders and promptly canceled due to Post-Only selection. Click here to find out more about why Limit Orders may unintentionally be executed immediately. 



    Bybit adopts the same maker and taker fee structure for all trading pairs on the platform.

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